Using two wheels as transportation is an easy choice in the summer. Now that we’ve turned back the clock and nights are getting longer, you’re likely hesitating to hop on a bicycle.

Commuting by bike this season doesn’t have to be dangerous or unpleasant.  VancouverIsAwesome says keep peddling! Here are their four reasons to ride through the rain and windstorms:

“Cycling saves you money.”
A solid bike might set you a couple of hundred dollars at first, but it beats fumbling with coins and cards to regularly pay for parking, gas and transit fares.

“Cycling keeps you healthy.”

Even at a recreational pace cycling can burn 500 to 600 calories an hour. Cycling also has no impact and is easy on the joints for those who are looking for a way to get active without the pain.

“Cycling makes you happy.”

Exercise releases endorphins which reduce your perception of pain and trigger positive feelings.

“Cycling is good for the environment.”
Your bike ride to work translates to less greenhouse gas emissions.

Winter Cycling Safety

As west coast cyclists, we don’t have to often worry about below-freezing temperatures and getting stuck in mounds of snow. But there are other factors such as rain and shorter days that create hazards for riders. Stay safe these winter months by:

Prepping your bike
Make sure your brakes are adjusted properly for slicker roads. If you are planning to use your road bike, let a little air out of your tires to increase surface area and traction. Wider tires with tread are ideal for slippery roads. Add fenders to help you stay dry.

Being visible
Cyclists are required by law to have a white front light and red real light in use when it’s dark. Wear breathable, reflective or brightly coloured clothing.

Going slower and being aware
Avoid wiping out on slippery roads by leaving earlier and taking your time. Unplug your earbuds and take extra caution this upcoming season.

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Picture of James Richards
James Richards
James Richards is a born and raised Vancouverite who studied History, Political Science and Law at University of British Columbia. His over 20 years of legal practice and a busy and active family gives him his purpose, focus and some good writing material. When not in work–mode, he enjoys any excuse to be out and about our amazing city.