Canadian Legal News


Wear A Helmet - It Might Save Your Life
Vancouver has seen an increase in the number of bike lanes this year, and as Vancouver looks to improve...
June Is Bike Month: Share the Road
June is Bike Month all across Canada. As cycling becomes more popular the City of Vancouver is working...
People are Fragile: Share the Road
It was only two days in Metro Vancouver, but the results were disastrous. A motorist kills an elderly...
Cyclist Awareness: Making a Right Turn
Imagine you are riding your bike on the right side of the street. A car beside you on your left is traveling...
Watch for Cyclists!
In BC Supreme Court case Dobre v. Langley, a cyclist is awarded over $100,000 for a broken thumb suffered...
Don't Count on ICBC for Legal Advice
In an earlier post, we reviewed the steps to take when suing ICBC as a nominal defendant in a hit-and-run...
Cyclists Versus Motorists
Imagine you are riding your bike down the road passing parked cars on your right. A car door suddenly...
The Importance of a Properly Fitted Bike
With the drier, warmer weather and Vancouver’s growing bicycle network, commuting by bike is more...
Should Parents be Charged if Kids Aren't Wearing a Bike Helmet?
In response to an article in Globe Life. The Globe and Mail recently reported that on April 30th, a nine-year-old...
verbal-agreements with ICBC
Verbal Agreements with ICBC: When to Keep Your Mouth Shut!
A simple verbal agreement can stand for a lot more than one might think. In fact, an oral acceptance...

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