
Wear A Helmet – It Might Save Your Life

Vancouver has seen an increase in the number of bike lanes this year, and as Vancouver looks to improve its transportation plans for 2040, one area of focus is to continue expanding the city’s bike lanes.

But what’s the use of safe bike lanes if riders themselves won’t be safe? Even though it’s the law in B.C. to wear a helmet while cycling, many do not. The Vancouver Sun reports that a new study shows that cyclists who don’t wear helmets while riding are three times more likely to die of a head injury.

This study reviewed biking fatalities over a five year span and discovered a direct link between not wearing a helmet and death resulting from head injury. Previous studies had inconclusively found a link, but this study shows a real connection.

Those behind the study state that the findings should encourage a push for stronger legislation for helmet use. BC, Nova Scotia, PEI, and New Brunswick are the only provinces with legislation requiring bike helmets for all ages. Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba have legislation requiring helmet use for those under 18. The rest of the provinces have no legislation requiring helmets.

Be smart and protect yourself. Always wear a helmet.

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Nicole Kelly
Nicole joined Slater Vecchio in May 2010. She has been involved with personal injury files arising out of motor vehicle accidents, sports and recreation and occupier's liability.