Back-to-School Road Safety

With more than half a million students back in school across the province, there’s no better time to think about road safety.

According to ICBC, 30 children aged five to eighteen are killed and 5,100 injured in 14,700 crashes every year in BC.

“Everyone should plan ahead for the return of the school season because the roads will be much busier,” said Transportation Minister Todd Stone. “…Remember to leave earlier to avoid rushing, stay focused on the road and use extra caution, especially around school zones.”

Education Minister Peter Fassbender has challenged road users to turn school zones into accident-free zones. “Everyone, including students and drivers, needs to be vigilant when they are near schools,” said Fassbender.

ICBC Tips for Drivers:

  • When school is back in session, a 30-km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 am to 5 pm every school day. Penalties for speeding in a school zone can cost up to $483.
  • When you’re dropping off your children in school zones, stop and allow them to exit the car on the side closest to the sidewalk. Never allow a child to cross mid-block.
  • If a vehicle is stopped in front of you or in the lane next to you, they may be yielding to a pedestrian, so be prepared to stop.
  • School buses will be back on our roads. Vehicles approaching from both directions must stop for school buses when their lights are flashing.
  • Before getting into your vehicle, make a habit of walking around your vehicle to make sure no small children are behind it. Always look for pedestrians when you’re backing up.

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Picture of Michael Slater, K.C.
Michael Slater, K.C.
Michael Slater K.C. is the founding partner of Slater Vecchio. The majority of his practice is confined to traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury cases.