
Are Your Kids Safe at Home?

As a parent, grandparent, or guardian, you want to protect your children from harm. Over nine million children are admitted to emergency rooms each year for injuries, and over nine thousand of those children die as a result. The tragic part is that many of these injuries are preventable.

Recently, nearly 300 instances of children swallowing Tide Pods, brightly coloured laundry detergent in small packages, have been reported. This led the company to re-design the case it comes in, adding a double-latch to deter children access. Children are attracted to the small pods as the bright colours make them look like candy.

While 98 percent of parents think it’s important to lock up medications and cleaning products, the reality is that over half don’t. Pamela Fuselli, executive director of Safe Kids Canada, implores parents to “to check your home for potential poisons and store them where children can’t see them and lock them up so children can’t get at them” because their curious nature has them exploring everywhere. As a parent of a toddler, these safety measures are extremely important.

National Safe Kids Week is May 28 to June 3, and Safe Kids Canada draws attention to steps parents can take to make their home safe. It’s also good to have emergency contact information near your phone just in case. In B.C. the Drug and Poison Information Centre 24-hour line is 1.800.567.8911. However, if a child is unresponsive, call 911.

Unsure of where to start child proofing your home? Safe Kids Canada has these suggestions:

  • Buy medications with child-resistant caps,
  • Keep all medications and cleaners in original containers,
  • Make sure all cupboards with cleaners or household solvents are locked or safety latched.

The Centre for Disease Control has a number of resources available on how to prevent home injuries caused by burns, sports, poisoning, drowning, and falls. These few simple reminders are part of CDC’s “Protect the Ones You Love” initiative.

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Saro Turner
Saro joined Slater Vecchio LLP in June 2009. In addition to compensation for pain and suffering, he has obtained compensation for past and future loss of income, health care expenses and more.