
Concussion Increases Suicide Risk

Adults who suffer “mild” concussion injuries are three times more likely to die by taking their own lives than the rest of the population according to a recent Canadian study. Researchers suggest a better long-term follow-up for concussion patients.

The study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found

  • There was an average delay of six years between the concussion and suicide.
  • 50% of the suicide victims had seen a doctor in the last week of their lives.
  • People who suffered concussions on weekends fare worse than others. Researchers believe this could be because people who injure themselves outside of the workplace are less likely to seek medical attention.

According to Dr. Redelmeier, although the study doesn’t prove that concussions cause a person to become suicidal, the link shouldn’t be ignored. One possible explanation for the association could be that concussions cause increased impulsivity or depression. Another explanation is that people don’t give themselves enough healing time after a concussion injury.

For more information

  • Concussion Raises Risk of Suicide, Study Says; The Globe and Mail
  • ‘Mild’ Concussion Could Triple Risk of Suicide; CBC
  • Concussion Raises Long-term Suicide Risk, CBC

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Nicole Kelly
Nicole joined Slater Vecchio in May 2010. She has been involved with personal injury files arising out of motor vehicle accidents, sports and recreation and occupier's liability.