
Why You Should Avoid Left Turns

There’s something you do all the time and it’s costing you time, money, and energy – as well as putting you in harm’s way. Left turns! They’re more trouble than you think and that’s why UPS drivers avoid them as much as possible.

UPS knows a thing or two about driving. Every day, they deliver millions of packages to people all over the world. And to get that delivery to your door in the most efficient and safest way they can, their drivers in North America follow one simple rule when on the road – avoid left turns.

It may seem odd, but it has a big impact. Left turns can take longer, often wasting gas and time to get through a busy intersection. They also require turning through oncoming traffic, increasing the risk of a crash.

For UPS, an accident or a traffic snag puts them behind schedule, burns extra fuel, and puts their drivers and others at risk. While you’re not making a large number of stops a delivery driver does, nor do you have a fleet of thousands of vehicles, reducing your risk of an accident is a good reason to avoid left turns in areas with heavy traffic.

Statistics tell us that left turns account for 50% of accidents. Right turns account for only 6%. Pedestrians are three times more likely to be struck by a driver turning left than in other circumstances.

So when you’re making a trip through a busy part of town, think about your route before you get there. Plot out the safest way to avoid left turns. And just like a UPS package, you’ll be delivered to your destination safely and on time.

For more information

  • Why UPS trucks (almost) never turn left, CNN
  • Why Left Turns Are So Deadly, WNYC
  • Tips to Turn Left at a Traffic Light Safely, BC Driving Blog

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Picture of Todd Lucyk
Todd Lucyk
Todd Lucyk joined Slater Vecchio as an articling student in May of 2014, and has been an associate with the firm since being called to the bar in 2015. Todd grew up in White Rock, B.C., and captained Simon Fraser University’s varsity soccer team during his undergraduate studies.