We recently blogged about staying safe while boating on the ocean or a lake this summer. But what about the dangers of boating on a river? Are you prepared for bad weather, accidents, or floods?

Fishing is one of the more popular activities that bring people to the water. Take Me Fishing offers some great tips to keep you safe:

  • Make sure you have appropriate clothing and gear, for hot, cold, raining, or dry weather,
  • Use a buddy system around the water, with at least one person who knows how to swim,
  • Always wear a life jacket, even wading in the water,
  • Know how deep the water is and how strong the current is,
  • Use fishing equipment safely – don’t leave tackle on the ground and be careful when casting a line so not to catch on a person or object.

Recent floods and surging rivers in B.C. caused the death of a man who was swept away by rushing waters. When at the river, it’s important to be aware of potential environmental dangers. Emergency Info B.C. has up-to-date evacuation alerts and advisories along with tips on how to prepare for dangerously high water.

Always check conditions before heading out for the day and pack more than enough food and supplies. Have a meeting place in case you get separated. Stay away from swollen banks and alert authorities if you are concerned. Don’t drink the river water as it could be contaminated.

So get outside and enjoy the warm weather. But follow all safety notices and be prepared for unexpected events so you can have a safe trip.

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Picture of Tony Vecchio, K.C.
Tony Vecchio, K.C.
Anthony (Tony) Vecchio, K.C., founded Slater Vecchio in January 1998. He has been counsel on some of the largest cases in British Columbia.