
BC Burn Centre to Fill Critical Gap in Survivor Care

We’re big supporters of the B.C. Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund and all the good things they’re doing in our province.

A year and a half ago, the Burn Fund launched a campaign to raise the last $2M needed for a $13.1M Burn Fund Centre.

The new Centre, to be located at 3891 Main Street, will provide eight short-term stay units for burn and trauma patients and their families. The Centre will also house a public education resource centre and retail space to help fund ongoing building operations.

Construction is slated to start later this year.

Each year 700 children and adults from across the province are admitted to Burn, Trauma and Plastics Units at Vancouver General Hospital and B.C. Children’s Hospital. But often, patients must compromise their health when forced to return home sooner than medically advised, or live in accommodations not suited to their recovery.

“Burn survivors need their loved ones close at hand while hospitalized and suitable accommodation while an outpatient and highly vulnerable to infection,” says Lisa Lacamell, Executive Director of the Burn Fund. “With the current accommodation shortfall, its possible survivors’ recoveries might be compromised, but the new Burn Fund Centre will solve the crisis.”

One last fundraising push is needed before construction of the Burn Centre begins. To date, pledges have come in from firefighters around the province, a donation of land was made from the City of Vancouver, $750,000 in services was donated from Concert Properties, and a $4 million investment was made by the province.

The Burn Fund is so close to meeting their fundraising goal. And Slater Vecchio is proud to help get them there.

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Picture of James Richards
James Richards
James Richards is a born and raised Vancouverite who studied History, Political Science and Law at University of British Columbia. His over 20 years of legal practice and a busy and active family gives him his purpose, focus and some good writing material. When not in work–mode, he enjoys any excuse to be out and about our amazing city.